πŸ’°Spend LUCHA

You can stake LUCHA tokens to earn MASK at a 1:1 ratio, it means for 1 LUCHA staked 24 hours earns 1 MASK.

Respecing stats

All Luchadores have 88 basic statistics, which are randomly assigned by Chainlink's VRF.

You will have the possibility to roll the stats for free once, then 1 LUCHA for each manually modified stat.

Learning new skills

Luchadores have 3 slots for skills and 1 for passive.

Initially, your fist 3 skills and passive will be randomly assigned to you by Chainlink VRF Goddess.

You will have the possibility to roll the skills for free once, then 5 LUCHA for each manually modification.

Naming Luchadores

Because no one will remember facing Luchador #1234 in the arena, you can rename your Luchador for 50 LUCHA and give him an identity!


It is possible to exchange your wearables on the in-house marketplace, the only currency accepted is the LUCHA

Prodigy System

When the number of Luchadores will be too insufficient compared to the number of players, it will be possible to spend MASK + LUCHA on the Prodigy System.


Last updated