
Wearables are from 1st Pinata in partnership with Cometh.io. All ERC 1155 are tradable on in-house marketplace https://luchadores.io/marketplace More information here.

Yes ! For proof you can view the contract on Etherscan : https://etherscan.io/token/0x8b4616926705fb61e9c4eeac07cd946a5d4b0760#readContract In the link above, submit an ID to the 6. metadata function and it will return .json containing the SVG art and attributes linked to that Luchador.

On each luchador page you will see a download button that converts your SVG luchador to a PNG on the fly https://luchadores.io/luchador/1

The mint price was the ETH equivalent of 2 LINK. The upfront fee to use Chainlink VRF was 2 LINK. The smart contract used Uniswap V2 Router to automatically convert your ETH to LINK :

It is possible to generate a Luchador with 0-8 attributes. Mask, mouth, cape, torso, arms, bottoms, boots, spirit. A rarity table is displayed on each Luchador page: https://luchadores.io/luchador/1443 No attributes are intentionally rarer than another - it is all determined by Chainlink VRF and this allows for the most diverse set of combinations possible. The random number generated by Chainlink VRF also determines primary, secondary, eye and skin colour.

Each Luchador was randomly generated at mint using Chainlink VRF and could obtain 0-8 attributes (no 8 attribute luchadores occurred). Rarity can be derived from the table below : 7 > 0 > 6 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 3 Here you can find rarity info on the overall attribute count and specific attributes: https://luchadores.io/rarity

Yes! A copy of the onchain metadata is also uploaded to IPFS for compatibility. https://opensea.io/collection/luchadores-io

Yes! Names must be unique, up to 32 characters long (spaces inclusive), and up to 5 separate words. You can find the Name Luchador button by visiting your lucha on https://luchadores.io/

If you own a luchador, you can visit the ๐Ÿคverify-lucha channel to get the "Verified Lucha Owner" Discord role.

If you are "Verified Lucha Owner" you can you can visit ๐Ÿฅƒ join-the-lsc and become member of the Luchadores Social Club! Willing to go the extra mile to help grow the community, this role will allow you to actively participate in the social and community development of Luchadores.io, social contest, WL tournament etc ..

Last updated